MIL O-C-1889 / MIL-C-18718B
Cleaning Compound
MIL O-C-1889 / MIL-C-18718B solvent is designed for use in a variety of aviation and industrial applications, where there is a need for the removal of oil grease and soils from metal surfaces. 18718 dries rapidly and leaves no residue. It is ideal for precision cleaning where a residue free surface is required. 18718 conforms to the composition requirements of Federal Specification O-C-1889 Nov. 27, 1974, Federal Specification O-C-1889 which supersedes Federal Specification O-C-434A March 22, 1974, and Mil-C-18718B April 30, 1969. 18718 conforms to Boeing D6-17487 Rev. M and Douglas CSD #1 (except for stress crazing on acrylic plastics). 18718 is safe on all metals however it may affect paint and plastics. It is recommended to test small area before use.
Physical Properties
Specific Gravity: 0.90 - 0.98
Dielectric Strength: > 25,000
KB Value: > 100
Initial Boiling Point, F ~ 100 Degrees F
Flash Point (as provided): > 200 Degrees F